

Dr Strange, Barisieur, coffee machine, coffee maker, Marvel

Who would have guessed it? Dr.Strange wakes up to the Barisieur in the morning! We wonder if he is a Tea or a coffee kind of guy...

Dr.Strange 2

We had no idea that the Barisieur was going to feature in a Marvel movie. This came to our attention via a Reddit Article via a James Hoffman (A previous reviewer of the Barisieur) group. 

dr.Strange 2, Barisieur, Reddit, barisieur, joy resolve, coffee brewing alarm clock, teasmade

When can you watch the movie?

Dr.Strange 2 will be coming to cinema's near you in 4th May 2022. Until then you can watch the trailer below, were you can see the Barisieur on Dr.Strange's bed side table 16 seconds in.

dr.strange 2, marvel, barisieur, coffee alarm clock, teasmade, james hoffman, coffee brewer,

Whats next?

We have no idea how much the Barisieur features in the movie, but we will will be booking ourselves in to watch the movie ASAP. If you see the movie Please tag us @joyresolve on socials. 

Thank you for reading, please let us know if you have any questions.

All the best,

Team Joy Resolve

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